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You want green design insights, event tips, inspiration and news about ecologically and socially sustainable UX/UI design? Subscribe to my newsletter and you get all that delivered right into your mailbox, once a month.
Who is writing the newsletter?
Hi, I’m Sandy, a UX/UI designer from Cologne with the vision of a sustainable web. I support brands to create ecologically sustainable websites, applications, online stores, portals and other digital products. Because we as designers and companies have a responsibility. And because it honestly has a lot of benefits.
There are so many great and creative ways that I like to incorporate into my projects and share with you outside of them. You have links that you would like to see here in the list? Then send me a message and let’s chat about what I should definitely include here.

Listen to the Green the Web podcast
Tune into ecological and social Research, UX and UI Design as well as other aspects of sustainable designers or business owners.

Work with me on your website, shop or app
You’re looking for sustainable user research, UX conception, UI design or simply someone who can look over things? Let’s get together!

Become a sustainable designer
As a designer you want to align your values with your job. Find out more about trainings, free resources, my blog and much more.