Digital cleanup – Liberate yourself from digital trash

Digital cleanup – Liberate yourself from digital trash

Just one year is enough time to accumulate a lot. Digital trash, too. Do you regularly clean out your PC? Do you delete your recycle bin every now and then? How many file versions do you have lying around? Do you have duplicates and triplicates of everything on your laptop, external hard drive and cloud?…

My 4 favorite newsletters on sustainable design

My 4 favorite newsletters on sustainable design

You want to dive deeper into the world of sustainable design, sustainable tech and climate-friendly UX/UI? Then take a closer look at my following favorite newsletters. The Green the Web newsletter Yep, that’s right, I think my newsletter is pretty dope and would like to introduce it to you here first. Once a month (sometimes…

What you can do as an agency to get more sustainable clients

What you can do as an agency to get more sustainable clients

Imagine that you have gotten hold of a dream project. From your green dream client you always wanted to work with. Imagine how you feel when you get up in the morning and know “Today I’m working the way I always wanted to”. As a private person you are green, eco, sustainable, whatever you want…